Monday 11 March 2013

On ya' bike..

So one of my New Years resolutions this year was to lose a significant amount of weight, and I proposed to do this by joining a gym. However, it is now March, and unsurprisingly I've still never stepped foot in a gym, and I've put on weight as opposed to losing it.

I got it into my head that I'd really enjoy spinning. However, I'm too much of a wimp and have chickened out of every single session; the thought of being surrounded by a bunch of toothpicks and getting all out of breath and sweaty in front of people just terrified me. So as opposed to around £300 just to go spinning once a week for a year, I spontaneously invested in a bike of my own this weekend.

I say spontaneously, but I've been thinking about it for a while and the beautiful weather on Monday twisted my arm, although I can't help thinking I may have jinxed the weather, as since I ordered it, it's started snowing again. Many will argue that I needn't have spent any money, just found some motivation from somewhere to go running, but this is unrealistic. One, because I run something like Phoebe from Friends:

and two, because I'm just not sport orientated. Some people are naturally motivated and quite enjoy exercise; I on the other hand, am not one of these people. Therefore I decided investing some money might motivate me to avoid my purchase being in vain. 

Now this move has given my friends and family great amusement. Where is the faith eh people? Okay, so I don't have the greatest track record; the last time I rode a bike was when I knocked myself out coming down an awfully large hill (I was a bit of a speed freak and kind of liked the Evel Knievel look). However, I've successfully given up crisps for a whole month now; I feel I may be turning a corner, and applying this willpower to the rest of my life... maybe...

This purchase has many pros such as that it could potentially save petrol but this is not why I brought it. I don't think I'm experienced enough to cycle 20 miles to uni three times a week and I'm late for work 90% of the time now, therefore I doubt this would put me in any better stead with my bosses. Also, it occurred to me recently, I don't actually have any hobbies. People ask me what I do in my spare time, I either don't have any to spare or I'm just milling around unproductively so I'm hoping that this is going to become my first official hobby and force me to do something productive.

I took it for a little test run to the end of my road this evening and I was shaky, not going to lie, but I felt liberated. I felt like I was five all over again and the new rubber smelt like Christmas. The wind was rushing through my hair, my head was held high with an uncontrollable grin at the freedom ... okay I'm creating quite a warped, romantic image, it was more like chattering teeth, wobbling all over the road and the face of panic when I realised I couldn't stop properly. I'm definitely going to be needing a helmet to say the least.

However, I'm going to persist, mainly to lose weight, partly to have a productive hobby, but to prove all the doubters wrong if anything.

You won't all be laughing when I'm rocking the lycra look and I'm giving Victoria Pendleton a run for her money.

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